Known as the "White Gold".
Known as king of fibres.
World Production
Global production estimated at 152 million bales in 2007-08 down from 156 million bales last year.
China is largest producer and contributes to one third of total global output.
India and US are other major producers and has share of 36%.
India has overtaken US in terms of output during 2007-08.
China is largest consumer (38%).
India accounts 29% of the world cotton area and 20% of world production having yield average of 549 kg lint per Ha.
Increase your Yield
Special techniques to Double Yield & Income for Farmers
Cotton Production Share of States
Classification & Percentage Share Based on Fibre Length
Cotton in Indian Economy
Important Commercial Crop.
Raw material for 1500 mills.
4 million handlooms.
7 million power looms.
Livelihood of 60 million people.
Textile Industry contributes -
4% of gross domestic product.
14% of the total domestic product.
20% of total work force.
17% share of country’s export basket.