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Chairman's Desk
Welcome to Biostadt
The idea started over 15 years ago as a modest venture in the area of seaweed-based technology acquired from the US, has now flourished into a full-blown, diversified organization operating all over India and in several parts of the globe. Having crossed the 200 crore rupees revenue mark in the year 2008-09, it is fully charged to reach the Rs. 500 crore mark by 2012.
Over a period of time, Biostadt has diversified into a range of seaweed-based biotechnological inputs, using fermentation technology, under the well-known brand of 'Biozyme'.
It is also into crop protection chemicals, representing renowned Japanese multinationals such as Mitsui, Hokko, Sumitomo, etc., covering a range of applications in insecticides, herbicides, fungicides and weedicides. It has also ventured into a range of Aquaculture products for pond management, having an alert field force to cover the states of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal.
Recently Biostadt has entered into a 50/50 joint venture in Vietnam known as Vinh Thinh Joint Stock Company which will focus in area of Aquaculture and diversify in area of agrochemicals and pharma covering the Indo-China region.
Through our International division, our products are sold over 20 countries across the globe. Our major focus is our brand WOKOZIM. The fermentation based biotechnological inputs have acceptance by farmers all over the world.
Recently, Biostadt has made its foray into the huge, untapped market of Hybrid Seeds, both for field crops as well as vegetable hybrids. In the area of field crops, the joint venture is called Biostadt MH Seeds. The partner of this joint venture is a world renowned seeds technologist, Dr. Kuldeep R. Chopra, erstwhile owner and shareholder of Mahindra Hybrid Seeds. This joint venture is entrusted with the task of research and production of hybrid seeds, which will be marketed by a dedicated seeds sales team of Biostadt India Limited.
Keeping the Indian farmer happy is our agenda, and to achieve this, Biostadt has innovated a path-breaking chain of 'Biostadt Aastha' Clinics across the country. The main purpose of these clinics is to meet the farmers' urgent needs of crop care, animal care and human care, all under one roof. 5 clinics are already operational in Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Chattisgarh respectively.
The organization is fuelled by a young, professional and self-motivated team of 250 Biostadtians out of which 50 are working in our wholly owned subsidiary, Biostadt Europe, in the Philippines. This is the second biggest market for Biostadt outside India.
In 2005-06 Biostadt entered the generic pharmaceutical market with 100 products with a strategic intent to cater to the rural market of India.
The success of Biostadt would not have been possible without the dynamism of our people. Each bird in our tri-bird logo represents Speed, Growth and Teamwork, which has inspired Biostadtians to reach out to our visionary goal of achieving $100 millions by the year 2012.